To tell you the truth, there’s not a single best trike for everybody, but there’s one adult tricycle for each individual. It doesn’t matter whether you are young and avid cyclist, or in the prime of your life wanting to try something new, you are bound to find one among our top performers and best sellers to declare as the sole winner!
A Hand Drive Tricycle is designed for the physically handicapped person. it have all of
Our Price : Rs 7500 |
the benefits that a trike offers like... No balance issues due to a stable platform. A tricycle having both front and rear wheel drives, for hand and foot motion respectively, includes a front wheel drive assembly that is adjustable with respect to the frame of the tricycle to position a hand crank in the optimum position for almost any user. A seat assembly is also adjustable with respect to the frame, and a rear wheel drive assembly is also adjustable with respect to the frame to make the tricycle adaptable to any handicapped individual, to give the maximum use of the limbs; to exercise the limbs in the best therapeutic manner; and to allow for growth and changes and improvements in this muscular coordination.
Selecting an adult tricycle that is just right for you does not have to be hard. There are so many styles to choose from so you just need to ask yourself what is important to you and select accordingly. Do you want a wide comfortable seat? Do you want a lot of gears to choose from? Do you want to lean back and take it easy? There is a tricycle to give you just want you want.
You can ride as slow as you please without losing your balance. And your can put both feet on the ground, comfortably, when stopped. So if you are out riding around you can stop and shoot the breeze with a neighbor and do it in comfort. Some even have optional seat backs. And, the upright riding position is easy on the back, butt, and hands.
The Standard Single Hand Tricycle for handicapped is product, designed for use with bikes meant for the open road. Instead of shifting with a foot, a rider can drive easily their tricycle on road using his or her hand. This piece of equipment has been tested well. We provides assembly and installation for all of our products at our facilities in Indore. We conduct free consultations for all prospective customers to see how we can fulfill your specific needs.
For person with special needs bicycle riding does not come easy. Trying to coordinate balance, pedaling and steering is an extremely difficult task. For person with cerebral palsy, spina bifida or other similar conditions, riding a two wheeler may never be a practical option. If somebody have a person with special needs he/she may want to consider an Tricycle Disabled. To make the job easier manish steel works have scoured the web looking for all types of adaptive bikes, trikes and more.