The Benefits of Folding Walking Stick Cane

A walking cane is probably the most common mobility device prescribed for seniors. When used properly, a walking cane will increase the base of support and reduce strain on the legs and back as it helps move forward. A walking cane requires to have enough strength in the arm, since the arm must partially support the body’s weight. A slight problem with balance or instability, some weakness in the leg or some pain from a condition like rheumatoid arthritis, a cane may be enough to help compensate and provide support.

Folding walking canes provide with the convenience of carrying the cane in a compact manner wherever go. Folding walking canes includes models that are perfect for regular or temporary use. Folding canes can also add to the outfit with the multitude of styles and colors that they come in. Folding canes allow the user the ability to tuck the cane away when not in use then, just as easily, deploy at a moment's notice. Variety of options when it comes to folding canes so users can match certain features to their needs. Folding Stick are available in unique grips and styles as well as unique features like fold-out seats and stools. Folding canes typically are collapsible and are simply segmented and folded. Number of reputable brands of folding canes that are made of durable materials for daily use.

Folding canes are growing in popularity and selection. They can fold into less than 10 to 12 inches in length and can be easily stored in a purse or briefcase. Many folding models come with their own wrist strap, removable rubber tip and carrying case that looks like a fine quality cosmetic bag. Folding walking sticks are now available in new fashionable designs for men and women. Folding walking sticks for men and women in height adjustable designs, patterned and plain. Derby handles and elegant designs. Most fold into a pouch or hand bag, some are 3 fold and some are 4.

Folding Walking Stick Features
Folding Walking Sticks
  • Our Price :Rs 558
  • Easy to collapse and put together
  • Only has four pieces
  • Stylish, come in 17 different colors
  • Good for both men and women
  • Comes with a waterproof carry bag to save space
  • Adjustable to your heigh

Folding Walking Stick Cane
  • 10/5 section height adjustable
  • Adjustable length: 68.5-91.3cm/ 81-91cm
  • Ergonomic plastic handle
  • 4 section folding
  • Tubecolor Copper

The Tripod Sticks is the perfect solution for the elderly, the physically challenged, or patients who have trouble walking, or standing. The tripod name comes from three robust legs, which provide balance and stability. The barrel and the handle are contoured and shaped to provide even weight distribution. The barrel has holes, allowing the user to adjust the height of the stick as per convenience.
Tripod Walking Stick
  • Our Price :Rs 740

Tripod Walking Stick
  • Aluminum tubing with steel welded low base
  • Comfortable hand grip
  • Height adjustable: 71.5-94.3cm
  • Base size: 18-22cm

Features of tripod walking sticks are given below:
  • Heavy duty ferrules at the ends of each leg
  • Anti-slipping handle provides easy grip
  • Ideal for use indoors as well as outdoors.

Pediatric Walker for Disabled People

Walkers are special crutches used for temporary walking disability. Walkers are stable stool like structures which the person uses by putting full body support and then pushing the Pediatric Walker to next step. Can be used by amputees using artificial limbs, temporary ambulation with plaster casts. Light weight and sturdy anodized aluminum. With push button, length can be adjusted telescopically. Easy to open and close with center button. Foldable for storage and transportation. Steel cross brace provides extra rigidity. PVC hand grips for comfort.

Pediatric Walker

Our Price : Rs 1925
Pediatric Stroke Warriors understands firsthand the journey after stroke. We understand that recovery for a child is ongoing. Procedures, tests, therapy and big emotions can fill a young child’s life. While it can become a family’s “new normal” it is still important to simply take that time to celebrate all a child is doing in re-building strength. We celebrate the Warrior’s that they are through a small gift of smiles and knowing they are not alone.

Pediatric Walkers Features
  • One button folding walker
  • 8 sections height adjustable
  • Light weight and easy to use and fold away smartly
  • With a push button, length can be adjusted telescopically.
  • Suction PVC bush for better grip on any surface
  • Easy to open and close with center button. 
  • PVC hand grip for better comfort

Walkers are simple mechanisms that allow people who are having difficulty balancing themselves while walking to walk safely without injuring themselves by falling. Losing balance and dizziness when walking are common to those of us who are aging. And using a walker to protect one’s self from harm is the wisest thing to do.

Two wheel walker

Our Price : Rs 1975
A walker Two wheel walker allows you to apply some weight on it but the wheels let you to move  without picking up your walker. 
The legs without wheels will save you from rolling forward.

At Ease Living, I have scoured high, low, and around the world to find the best and my favorite rollators. This was not an easy search, and I am not easily swayed by bells and whistles or cost. For my customers, I work to find the best, highest quality products. And my rollators are no different!

Since rollators are something you will depend on to get you around safely, the types I carry are only the sturdiest, most reliable products available on the market.

In recent times, carbon fiber has gained a lot of prominence.
Especially in the automotive and bicycle industry, it has led to
the invention of several breakthrough products. It was only natural forthis 
brilliant material to be used on wheelchair wheels. 
These wheels have been engineered keeping 
in mind the needs of wheelchair users. 


Choose Right Walking Sticks Used by the Elderly

The purpose of mobility aid products such as walking sticks is to help users move freely by offering support. The use of walking sticks also promises to alleviate pain and discomfort for users and plays an important part in the healing process. To reap all these advantages, users need to know the correct way of using mobility aids. To achieve this objective, they need to avoid certain mistakes while walking with the help of a stick to avoid inconvenience and accidents. Walking difficulty is common in old age. Simple and inexpensive interventions, such as walking aids, provide considerable assistance. However, older people's views on walking aids are likely to affect their uptake, and little knowledge about older people's motivations for using walking aids.

Walking sticks improves a person’s mobility. It helps people of all ages to maintain a healthier and active lifestyle. It can benefit a person’s health by giving them better balance. It lessens the stress on the body and relieves join pain. Mobility Aids For The Elderly use it to move around better and for the things they need to do. It can give a person more confidence and is beneficial for people of all ages. It minimizes weight from the legs, back, knees, hips and ankles and makes feel less tired and more energized in day to day activities.

walking sticks are not only for outdoor hiking. Many people do use sticks in their everyday lives to get from point A to point B whether it’s going to the store or just to get around their house. Sticks can help get objects that seem out of reach and give added support on tired muscles and tendons.
Walking sticks are also great for balance and control. They can help steady when feel yourself slipping (especially if hiking in the wilderness) and can be viewed as a third arm. They are a prop that when used properly, can maximize the walk or hike, protect from the elements and propel to new heights of fitness.

Using a walking stick incorrectly can drastically disrupt the walking gait. The stick should support natural gait, not throw off balance. The stick forward with weak or injured leg. Move the two forward together as if they were a single unit. Use the stick for support if feel that need it, but shouldn’t hold the grip backwards or lean the weight excessively into the stick. Users need to adjust their walking sticks to proper height before using the Walking Sticks And Canes. An improperly adjusted stick won’t offer the support the user needs and can result in a fall. Users who find difficulty determining the correct height of the stick, can consult their therapist or talk to a walker manufacturer or walker mobility aid manufacturer who can provide useful tips on proper ways to use a walking..
Walking Stick
  • Our Price :Rs 400

Walking Stick
High adjustable for user comfort. Non abrasive special engineering plastic material pods for firm base grip Pivotal structure of pod gives support on even and uneven surfaces. Easy lock pin height adjustable.

Walking Stick Features
  • Light weight
  • Strong and durable
  • Good weight bearing
  • Perfect aesthetics
  • Long life of the coating
  • Available in multiple colors
  • Easy size customization

Choosing the Right Mobility Equipment is Important for Your Health and Safety

Choosing the right mobility equipment is important for your health and safety. Read the product descriptions carefully so That you understand the capacities, dimensions and the benefits of each product. Your physical capabilities must also be Considered when choosing the right mobility equipment. Your doctor, caregiver or health care professional can help Recommend the best type of equipment for your current and future mobility needs. When it comes to getting around, Wheelchairindia Is sure to have exactly what you need.

Our Price : Rs 1270
Crutches are fitted according to your height. When you stand, your elbows should bend slightly at about 20 degrees, with Your hand grips even with your hip joint. You should be able to fully extend your elbow with each step forward.

In many walking disorders or conditions of impaired balance, one often needs a crutch. Its kind of like having a shoulder to lean on, all the time, that you can trust blindly. Adjustable Underarm Crutches upper arm crutch requires minimum training and substantially less upper extremity strength than other types of crutches. It provides additional points of contact and a wider range of stable gravity positioning.

Adjustable Crutches Aluminium Features :
  • Designed to take some of the weight off of the arms during weight bearing.
  • By providing additional points of contact the walking aid provides both additional support and a wider range of stable center of gravity positioning.

For balance, or if you are at risk for falling, a walker may be the perfect choice. Rule of thumb: A standard walker Without wheels is most stable. Walkers with wheels may get you around faster, though, because you can put your weight on The walker as you move. Rollators, or 4-wheeled walkers really keep you moving. Review this Mayo Clinic. Com Slide Show: How to choose and use a walker for more info.

Our Price : Rs 1530
Folding Walker aids as a support for people with poor balance to walk independently. Pivots from side-to-side in a Reciprocating motion with minimal lift off the floor surface to easily move forward or backward. Folding Aluminum Walker is made of strong Anodized aluminum frame with slip resistant rubber tips. It has several sections to adjust height.

Folding Walker Features :
  • Easy Folding Lever
  • 8 sections height adjustable
  • Folding Walker is one button folding
  • Lightweight Walker for Adults & Patients
  • Support For Standing Up And Sitting Down
  • Easy To Carry Any Where

For people who need an extra measure of confidence, walkers provide a sturdy frame for balance and for weight Distribution. They come from the simplest metal frames with cane tips for more deluxe models with wheels or special stop And start wheels that roll easily when the weight is taken off of them but lock when you press down. Look for a folding Walker if you’ll be transporting it a lot.


Elbow Crutch Provide Better Support and Stability for Elderly Patients

Our Price : Rs 600
Crutches provide much more support than canes. Instead of relying on the strength of your wrist, canes use the strength And stability of your entire arm. Most models consist of an arm cuff, and a hand grip attached to a strong aluminum tube. For long term use you want to avoid the “broken leg” style wooden crutches that go under the armpit they’re just not as Comfortable.

Elbow Crutch with Strap is made up of anodized aluminum with telescopic height adjustment. It is designed as per Biomechanical principles for proper weight distribution. However, Lightweight Elbow Crutches is more durable due to its plastic sleeves which Reduce the friction between upper and lower tubes. It has total forearm support with nylon cliff with suction rubber tip For better grip on any surface. For elderly patients & amputees.

Elbow Crutches Features :
  • Better support and stability for elderly patients
  • Temporary ambulation with plaster cast
  • Patients using bilateral or unilateral limb orthosis
  • Amputees using a prosthesis
  • Ergonomic handle
  • Lightweight

Wheelchair India C/O Manish Steel Works is an India based online handicapped product shopping website offers a large Variety of handicap products and at amazingly low prices. Avail benefit of latest promotions on Walking Aid, Tricycle, Handicap walker, handicap crutches, handicap sticks, folding commode, cycle rickshaw, handicap moped and other items.

The Effect of Adjustable Walking Aids on Balance

Walking sticks are devices used by people who have difficulty in walking. They are very useful to those who have had a temporary injury or wound and find it difficult to walk on their own or by those who have had a permanent disability and need a support at all times. They are also preferred by a lot of elders who find it reassuring to walk with the help of a walking stick. There are several models available including the simple single cane, foldable sticks, 3 legged or tripod sticks, 4 legged or quadripod sticks, sticks with a seat attached etc. A wider base ensures better stability. The weight of the person is evenly distributed throughout the four legs. This will perfectly balance the person‘s steps giving greater support when compared to other models.

If the walking stick is solely for helping to keep the balance, then a standard wooden or aluminium stick is the most appropriate choice. Mobility Aids For Seniors are lightweight and offer an extra point of contact with the ground, giving a larger base of support for helping to keep the balance. On the other hand, if you need a walking cane to bear weight either for an injury, recovery from surgery, or to ease arthritic hip or knee pain then an offset cane will provide the stability you need. The offset handle allows you to lean more weight onto the cane’s shaft. For significant weight bearing, look for a quad cane. An offset quad cane provides four extra points of contact with the ground and can hold more weight than a single-point cane.

Adjustable sticks come in a wide variety of colors and shapes. People who are blind to certain colors can easily find a stick of a color of their choice. There are also sticks in neutral colors that can match any type of clothing, and are perfect for using in a corporate meeting, seminar, parties or even for
Adjustable Walking Sticks
  • Our Price :Rs 375
casual morning walks.

Adjustable Walking Sticks
Adjustable Offset Canes Provides support to Elders with mobility challenges. Walking stick with a variable height for user comfort for support to the elderly.

Adjustable Walking Sticks Features
  • Aluminium Walking Stick
  • Lightweight Aluminium
  • Height Adjustable ( 28-37 inches)
  • Lightweight aluminium construction
  • Adjustable height to suit individual user requirements
  • L shaped handle for better grip

Standard Aluminum Crutches for Disable and Handicapp People

Our Price : Rs 1500
Standard aluminum push-button crutches feature a Double extruded center tube that provides load-bearing strength where it's needed the most. The special foot piece utilizes durable rivets to secure the aluminum tubing from the inside, providing more stability than plastic connectors. Long, virtually unbreakable stair deflector helps protect against the crutch slipping on stairs and helps increase stress tolerance at all angles without cracking; non-skid rubber tips provide good traction.

The built-in metal ring helps prevent excessive wear and ensures maximum durability. Standard Aluminum Crutches come packaged completely accessorized with no assembly required.

Aluminum Crutches Features :
  • High-strength aluminum alloys tube
  • Both handgrip and foot height adjustable
  • Comfortable PU foam underarm pad
  • Size ; L-135-155 cm,
  • Size ; m-114-34 cm, 
  • Size ; S-95-115 cm

Our Price : Rs 900
While traditional crutches (also referred to as underarm crutches) are supported by pads that the user secures between his or her rib cage and upper arm, forearm crutches work differently. Folding Forearm Crutches style of walking aid is used by inserting the arm into a partial cuff and taking hold of the handles that lie on the anterior side either crutch. If you struggle with mobility or balance when using an underarm variant, you may find that this style provides you with greater stability.

Forearm Crutch Features :
  • It is used by slipping the arm into a cuff and holding the grip.
  • This crutch is designed for long-term use
  • Aluminium tube height is adjustable
  • It has comfortable hand grip
  • Gives a very firm and secure support to the user
  • Comfortable hand grip

Forearm crutches are meant to be a mobility solution for long term use due to a more comfortable grip than standard walking crutches. The forearm part of the walking crutch helps you stabilize yourself while using less pressure on your hands, thus creating the most comfortable grip.




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