Bariatric Walkers for Elderly

Getting from Point A to Point B may not be as easy for everyone. For those that have suffered from a stroke, post lower limb surgery, cerebral palsy, a lower limb fracture or any peripheral nerve disorder, walking again, is an exciting but challenging task. The Bariatric Walkers  provides a larger base of support facilitating balancing while walking. It provides four additional points of contact and a stable center for gravity positioning. The walker directs the load through the arms and the walking aid, thus lowering the impact and static forces transmitted to the affected limbs. Being light weight and having soft hand grips makes it an ideal walking companion.
Bariatric Walkers

Our Price : Rs 1925

When To Use:
  • Stroke
  • Post Surgery (TKR/THR) Cerebral Palsy
  • Fracture
  • Lower Limb Peripheral
  • Nerve disorders
Bariatric Walkers Features:
  • Space Saving
  • Rigid Support
  • Universal Fit
  • Adjustable Support
Easy to use, push button mechanisms may be operated by fingers, palm, or side of hand.;Each side operates independently to allow easy movement through narrow spaces and greater stability when standing up.;Front cross-braces are located near top of walker

If a lower limb of yours has been fractured or just under-gone surgery, you might feel the need for a walker till you get back on your feet for good. This Vissco Medipedic Walker provides a larger base of support, and also has wheels which help in locomotion. By providing four points of contact the walking aid provides both additional support and a wider range of stable center of gravity positioning. You can adjust the height as you use extra support to walk or stand. This definitely provides superior stability than a standard walking stick as it helps direct the load through the arms and the walking aid thus lowering impact and static forces transmitted through the affected limbs.

Vissco Medipedic Walker

Our Price : Rs 1410
When To Use:
  • Stroke
  • Post Surgery (TKR/THR) Cerebral Palsy
  • Fracture
  • Lower Limb Peripheral
  • Nerve disorders
Vissco Medipedic Walker Features:
  • Space Saving
  • Rigid Support
  • Universal Fit
  • Adjustable Support
Walkers help to give the user extra support when walking or standing. They offer far more stability than a standard walking stick. By providing additional points of contact (four) the walking aid provides both additional support and a wider range of stable centre of gravity positioning. By directing load through the arms and the walking aid, lower impact and static forces are transmitted through the affected limbs.


Invalid Folding Walker Castors Provides a Larger Base of Support Facilitating

Getting from Point A to Point B may not be as easy for everyone. For those that have suffered from a stroke, post lower limb surgery, cerebral palsy, a lower limb fracture or any peripheral nerve disorder, walking again, is an exciting but challenging task. The Invalid Folding Walker Castors provides a larger base of support facilitating balancing while walking. The wheels provided on the front side help in locomotion. The larger base with adjustable height options helps meet patient needs better. This walker gives the user extra support when walking or standing as it offers far more stability than a standard walking stick. It provides four additional points of contact and a stable center for gravity positioning. Being light weight and having soft hand grips makes it an ideal walking companion.
Invalid Folding Walker Castors

Our Price : Rs 2020

When To Use:
  • Stroke
  • Post Surgery (TKR/THR) Cerebral Palsy
  • Fracture
  • Lower Limb Peripheral
  • Nerve disorders
Invalid Folding Walker Castors Features:
  • Space Saving
  • Rigid Support
  • Universal Fit
  • Adjustable Support
Folding Walkers by Hugo offer reliable stability and walking support when needed indoors or out. These height adjustable, sapphire blue walkers fit most people between 5'1"- 6'4" and are compact, convenient and have a lightweight design that folds easily with its' one touch button release. This walker fits comfortably in most car trunks, making it a great travel companion. The Hugo Walker includes a bonus set of 5" wheels, plastic glides and non-slip hand grips that make it easy to maneuver.

Invalid Folding Walker Castors provides a larger base of support facilitating balance while walking. For those who have suffered a stroke, post lower limb surgery, etc., walking again is an exciting but challenging task. The wheels provided on the front side help in locomotion. The larger base with adjustable height options helps meet the patient needs better. This walker gives the user an extra support when walking or standing and offers far more stability than a standard walking stick. It provides four additional points of contact and a stable center for gravity positioning. Being light weight and having soft hand grips makes it an ideal walking companion.

Bariatric Walker

Our Price : Rs 1925
The Bariatric Walker by Drive Medical now comes in a wider and deeper frame designed to accommodate individuals up to 500 pounds. The precision design provides additional strength while adding minimal weight to the walker. The "U" brace, steel legs and side brace ensure security and stability.

  • For Bariatric use
  • Easy push-button mechanisms may be operated by fingers, palms or side of hand
  • Each side operates independently to allow easy movement through narrow spaces and greater stability while standing
  • Vinyl-contoured hand grip
  • Wider and deeper frame design accommodates individuals up to 500 lbs
  • Steel legs and side braces
  • Precision design provides additional strength while adding minimal weight


Kids Waker Provide For Optimum Functional Support in Physiotherapy Sessions

A Kids Walker is a device that can be used by infants who cannot walk on their own to move from one place to another. Modern Kids walkers have a base made of hard plastic sitting on top of wheels and a suspended fabric seat with two leg holes.

Many parents believe that such walkers teach a Kid to walk faster. However, they may actually delay walking by two to three weeks for a typical child. The amount of use matters; for every 24 hours babies spend in a Kids Walker (for example, one hour per day for 24 days), they learn to walk three days later and to stand four days later than they would have

This Kids Walker is easy to handle and use. Also, this Stainless Steel Kids Walker is extensively used by the patient to walk properly with its external support.

Kids Walker

Our Price : Rs 6200
Kids Walker with Stainless Steel offered come in sturdy construction finish so as to provide for optimum functional support in physiotherapy sessions. For comfortable usage, these walkers come supported by wider supporting legs, gripped handles, adjustable knobs and other supports for comfortable walking. Some of its features include function as support for disabled to gain walking practice; sturdy construction finish for lasting usage; made available at competitive prices. These walkers have four posts with wheels on each. They can help children who have issues with balance and posture.

Kids Walker Features:
  • Four-wheeled posture control walkers
  • Reduces the risk of fractures and osteoporosis
  • Increases bone strength
  • Low maintenance
  • Efficient working
  • Highly demanded
Getting from Point A to Point B may not be as easy for everyone. For those that have suffered from a stroke, post lower limb surgery, cerebral palsy, a lower limb fracture or any peripheral nerve disorder, walking again, is an exciting but challenging task. The Wheel Walker plain provides a larger base of support facilitating balancing while walking. The wheels provided on the front side help in locomotion. The larger base with adjustable height options helps meet patient needs better. This walker gives the user extra support when walking or standing as it offers far more stability than a standard walking stick. It provides four additional points of contact and a stable center for gravity positioning. Being light weight and having soft hand grips makes it an ideal walking companion.
Wheel Walker

Our Price : Rs 2020

When To Use:
  • Stroke
  • Post Surgery (TKR/THR) Cerebral Palsy
  • Fracture
  • Lower Limb Peripheral
  • Nerve disorders
Wheel Walker Features:
  • Space Saving
  • Rigid Support
  • Universal Fit
  • Adjustable Support


The Quad Cane: A Variation On The Ancient Walking Stick

A quad cane is a mobility device that aids walking and mobility. It is similar to a standard cane, but it
Quad Walking Cane
  • Our Price :Rs 790
 has a metal base on the bottom with four small feet that extend off the base. These feet have rubber caps that help reduce slippage on the floor. Quad canes are usually made of lightweight aluminum and are adjustable with a small push button. Quad walking sticks are very useful for the elderly or those recovering from illness and need extra support. The quad legs provide a better stability than single leg sticks. The main reason to use a quad cane instead of a regular cane is that a quad cane provides better stability than a regular cane for some users. A quad cane is often prescribed for patients who have been using a wheeled walker, and can progress to a device with less support. It may be used for patients who use a wheeled walker, but need to go upstairs, and can’t do that with a walker. Quad canes are good choices for those who go outdoors and for those who walk on carpeting, cement or rough surfaces, and need support for balance and stability. Patients who have conditions, such as a stroke, which cause imbalance and weakness, or who have had hip replacement surgery often use quad canes as prescribed.

A Quad Cane has four small feet that are used to give added support, using a single point cane due to balance. Quad Canes come in both large base and small base depending on the balance or whether using this during rehabilitation therapist may recommend one over another. Large base Quad canes simply extend their legs a little further away from the base of the cane giving a larger platform and requiring less balance on the part. Types of Quad Canes:
There are basically two types of quad canes: wide and narrow base quad canes. Wide base quad canes have a larger base where the four legs are attached. This helps provide more support and improved stability while walking. A wide base quad cane is heavier and may be more difficult to maneuver.
A narrow base quad cane has a narrower base where the legs are attached. Although this provides less support than a wide base quad cane, it is easier to lift and maneuver while walking.

Quad Walking Cane
Lightweight and comfortable hand grip with metal base. Provides firm and sturdy support. Easy lock pin height adjustable. Helps those with poor balance. Light weight with excellent stability. Attractive
finish resist marring and scratching. Push button adjustment mechanism with locking ring.

Quad Walking Cane Features
  • Height Adjustable
  • Moulded Handle
  • Ergonomic handle for comfort
  • Durable and stable design
  • Lightweight Steel Body
  • Adjustable Height ( 65 cm - 88 cm).

The Tripod Cane is the perfect solution for the elderly, the physically challenged, or patients who have trouble walking, or standing. The tripod name comes from three robust legs, which provide
Tripod Walking Cane
  • Our Price :Rs 550
 balance and stability. The barrel and the handle are contoured and shaped to provide even weight distribution. The barrel has holes, allowing the user to adjust the height of the stick as per convenience. Lightweight and height-adjustable, this Tripod Walking Stick has three sturdy legs at its base so it offers the user considerably more stability than a conventional walking stick and yet it retains all the convenience of one-handed use. The Tripod Walking Stick is height adjustable, with a very good height range and with a very easy to use height adjustment system, making it suitable for use by the vast majority of user heights and very easy to adjust for maximum comfort and support. Suitable for both right or left handed users, each leg is protected by a non-marking, slip-resistant rubber ferrule and the ergonomically shaped handle ensures a good grip at all times.

Tripod Walking Cane
  • Aluminum tubing with steel welded low base
  • Comfortable hand grip
  • Height adjustable: 71.5-94.3cm
  • Base size: 18-22cm

Specialty of Rolling Walker With Seat

A walker with a built in seat, Height adjustable to ensure ease and comfort for senior citizen or patients, Folds into compact unit for storage and transport, Aluminum light weight folding height adjustable Rolling Walker With Seat. Ideal for elderly who need to rest after walking.

Rolling Walker With Seat

Our Price : Rs 2500
This unique rollator even stands when folded! Simply pull on the seat strap to fold compactly for easy storage and transportation.

With its sleek, low-profile design and heavy-duty yet ultra-light steel frame construction, Sidekick™ delivers the mobility, convenience and portability.

Rolling Walker With Seat Features:
  • Easy Folding Lever
  • Adjustable Height
  • Non Slip Rubber Shoes
  • Strong Cloth Seat
  • Lowest price online
  • Easy Folding Lever for easy folding and unfolding
  • Adjustable Height
Lightweight Aluminium weighs less than 5 kg (net), Folds in seconds for storage and transportation. Sturdy height adjustable handles with brakes. Swivel front wheels for ease of maneuverability.

Are you or loved one experiencing difficulty in getting around ? You just a need a little help to maintain an active lifestyle, butwith so many options which one is right? Thousands of people have faced that same decision and for them a Four Wheel Rollator was the right choice. Will it be right for you? Here are some points to assist in making a decision

Four Wheel Rollator

Our Price : Rs 5500
Four Wheel Rollator Features:
  • Quick foldaway aluminum frame, built in padded seat, hand brake lever.
  • Comes with a durable padded seat and and a padded backrest that can be folded up or down.
  • 7.5" casters are ideal for indoor and outdoor use and deluxe loop-locks to ensure rollator will not slip when seated.
  • Sturdy Steel frame comes with a basket for storing personal items.
Four Wheel Rollator Measurements:
  • Handle Height: 31-37"
  • Seat Dimensions: 8.5"(D) x 15"(W) x 21"(H)
  • Weight Capacity: 125 Kg


Cane Height is Important for Ladies Walking Canes

A walking cane can be either a temporary or permanent solution, need a cane for a short period of 
Walking Canes
  • Our Price :Rs 500
time following an injury or accident, or it may be constant companion if suffer from a chronic debilitating disease. Either way, determining the correct height of the walking cane is crucial because it leads to appropriate balance and stability, which allows greater confidence (and safety) in the mobility and enhanced quality of life.

Women basically use walking canes nowadays as tools to support and keep them from losing balance while moving around. Primarily it is the elderly individuals that need these canes due to the fact that they are now struggling with weak bones and among them are those located on the the legs problems. During the past centuries this Walking Canes for Women are used more as fashion accessories. However at present a lot of the designs and styles widely available in the market are made for people who have walking difficulties due to physical defects, leg injuries, or merely old age. The varieties of canes which can be had now are usually more specialized to address the specific needs of the persons
who will try them.

Karma Walking Stick WS 121
  • 10/5 Section Height Adjustable
  • Adjustable length: 68.5-91.3cm/ 81-91cm
  • Ergonomic Plastic Handle/Wooden Handle
  • 4 Section Folding
  • Tubecolor

Invalid New Folding Adjustable Walking Stick L Shape
A folding walking stick to help elderly and disabled get around quickly and easily. Made of aluminium, adjustable height and Walking Stick Handles . Idea gift for those you love. Lightweight, compact & portable, Can be easily folded and carried conveniently. Ideal for senior
Invalid New Folding Adjustable Walking Stick L Shape
  • Our Price :Rs 550
citizens on the move. Buy now for lowest price online, free home delivery.

Invalid New Folding Adjustable Walking Stick L Shape Features
  • Made of aluminum
  • Lightweight but strong
  • Plastic 'L' shaped handle
  • 4 section folding
  • 5 sections adjustable height
  • Adjustable length 81 - 91 cm (32 - 36")
  • Portable

Walkers for Elderly With Wheels

Whether you need long-term mobility help or just temporary movement assistance, Walkers features products to meet all your needs. Walkers range from simple, lightweight, standard models to heavy-duty, wheeled or knee walkers. Knee walkers are great for situations in which an ankle or foot problem prevents weight bearing and give the arms a break from using traditional crutches. Our wide selection of Walkers With Wheels (rollators) includes those with three or four wheels, locking brakes and baskets. Many feature a flip-down seat for resting or for sitting while being transported.

Walkers With Wheels

Our Price : Rs 1975
If you’re confined to a wheelchair, we don’t need to tell you the smallest tasks can be a big event in a wheelchair. Federal regulations may require public buildings to be wheelchair accessible, but older and private buildings don’t have to follow the same regulations. And there’s always the constant inconvenience of finding the side door, the cargo elevator, or the only staff member with a key.

Karma Walker WK 51 Features:
  • Deluxe Reciprocal Folding Walker 
  • One button folding walker 
  • 8 sections height adjustable 
  • Height Length : 79.5-95 cm
  • Width 5" : caster 
  • Color: Silver, Bronze
  • Pediatric Model also available(WK 54P)
A walker with a built in seat, Height adjustable to ensure ease and comfort for senior citizen or patients, Folds into compact unit for storage and transport, Aluminum light weight folding height adjustable Rolling Walkers With Seats. Ideal for elderly who need to rest after walking.

Rolling Walkers With Seats

Our Price : Rs 2500
At Ease Living, I have scoured high, low, and around the world to find the best and my favorite rollators. This was not an easy search, and I am not easily swayed by bells and whistles or cost. For my customers, I work to find the best, highest quality products. And my rollators are no different!

Handicap Walker With Seat Features:
  • Easy Folding Lever
  • Adjustable Height
  • Non Slip Rubber Shoes
  • Strong Cloth Seat
  • Lowest price online
  • Easy Folding Lever for easy folding and unfolding
  • Adjustable Height





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