Types Of Wheelchair And Commode Wheelchair

A  Commode wheelchair is a type of chair with wheels designed for those persons who cannot walk due to illness, injury, or disability. It comes in variations some are propelled by motors and some propelled by the seated occupant turning the rear wheels by hands. The first wheelchair was invented by two friends Harry Jennings and Herbert Everest in 1933 which is used by Herbert Everest because his back was broken in an accident.  

Commode Wheelchair Rainbow 

Electric Wheelchair,Folding Wheelchair,Manual Wheelchair,Sport Wheelchair,Wheelchair Ramp,Wheelchair Parts
A commode wheelchair is used by that person who can't walk due to disability and they used these wheelchairs as for bathroom commode. These chairs are consists of a seat, foot rests, four wheels: two caster wheels at the front and two large wheels at the back, a toilet seat and lid, a pair of arms for support, a bucket for waste and a splash guard. These wheelchairs are usually made from steel materials and very lightweight.

History : A Basic Wheelchair

A basic manual wheelchair incorporates a seat, foot rests and four wheels: two, caster wheels at the front and two large wheels at the back. The two larger wheels in the back usually have handrims; two metal or plastic circles approximately 3/4" thick. The handrims have a diameter normally only slightly smaller than the wheels they are attached to. Most wheelchairs have two push handles at the top of the back to allow for manual propulsion by a second person.
Basic wheelchair
Basic wheelchair

Other varieties of  Basic wheelchair   are often variations on this basic design, but can be highly customised for the user's needs. Such customisations may encompass the seat dimensions, height, seat angle (also called seat dump or squeeze), footrests, leg rests, front caster outriggers, adjustable backrests and controls.


Heavy Duty Power Wheelchair Built For Outdoor Use

Heavy Duty Power Wheelchairs  : Built for outdoor use, these powerchair can handle almost any surface you'll likely encounter on a daily basis. Heavy duty powerchairs have rear, front and mid wheel drive options, larger wheels and are designed to provide a smooth ride over rough terrain and up some inclines. Larger motors and longer frames allow and increase of torque over standard power wheelchairs.

Free delivery is standard with every powerchair purchase.

wheelchairindia.com offers a host of accessories for your

Karma KP 10-3 Power Wheelchair

  : wheelchair ramps that'll help you climb stairs, power wheelchair cover which provides protection from the elements, wheelchair bags to store your belongs and wheelchair lifts to transport your chair, wheelchair batteries to provide power.

Also, we've got a full selection of shower buddy, adult diapers and lift chairs.


What is Power Wheelchair

Powerbase Power Wheelchairs : Identified by their motor and wheel placement, powerbase chairs provide a comfortable ride, a tight turning radius and great battery range. Powerbase electric wheelchairs offer a wide range of options for suspension, driving, seating and handling. Generally, these chairs have a low center of gravity, making your ride smooth, stable and safe. Some powerbase wheelchairs have suspension packages making them ideal for outdoor use; other powerchairs are designed with a very small turning radius, perfect for indoor use in tight quarters. Powerbase wheelcha irs generally don't fold or disassemble and need to be transported using lifts and ramps.
Karma KP 80 Power Wheelchair

Karma KP 80 Power Wheelchair 

Welcome to our Power Wheelchair store. Below, you’ll find no less than the best selection of power wheelchairs on the web, all at affordable prices. We carry all the top brands, including Invacare, Medline, and Drive, and every electric wheelchair we sell is of the highest quality. If you can’t find what you’re looking for in our product catalog, refer to our power wheelchair buying guide, our phone agents are standing by to answer your questions.
You can also visit our website for more information and contact with us.

Walker Folding Specifications and uses

This Folding Walker from Medline supports up to 500 lbs. and has an adjustable height from 30" to 40" in one inch increments. The walker can be folded to a slim 4.5" for easy transport and storage and the front cross braces are located near the top of the Walker for maximum stride.

Folding Walker Model
Folding Walker Model 

Folding Walker Specifications:

  • Easy-to-use push-button mechanisms may be operated by fingers, palm or side of hand
  • Each side operates independently
  • Front cross braces are located near top of walker
  • Sturdy 1" diameter aluminum tubing
  • Contoured and textured handgrips for comfort
  • Folds to a slim 4.5" for easy transportation and storage
  • Height adjusts from 32" to 44" in one-inch increments
  • 500 lbs. Weight capacity

Cp Pediatric Wheelchair And Its Uses

Cp PediatricWheelchair  And Its Uses
CP Pediatric Wheelchair
CP2 Pediatric Wheelchair
CP Pediatric Wheelchair
CP2 Pediatric Wheelchair

CP2 Pediatric Wheelchair
The cp Pediatric Wheelchair is a child's manual wheelchair designed for use by children with mobility disabilities. The Kidz chair comes standard with a dual axle for a dual seat-to-floor height. Swing-back arms with arm release and padded andupholstered armrests make this one of the most comfortable pediatric wheelchairs on the market. Swing-away, detachable footrests are standard but elevating leg rests are available with thick, comfortable calf pads.
It has flip-back padded desk length arms for easy transfer to and from the wheelchair. The swing-away footrests with plastic plates come standard with calf straps, providing comfort and support. Also, the nylon upholstery is easy to clean and lightweight.
Smiley face logo
Durable vinyl upholstery
Easy, flip-back arms
Thick, comfortable calf pads on legrests
Anti-tippers come standard
Composite footplates that stay cooler
Deep tread tires for playing outside and inside
Hemi capable with dual axles
Seatbelt included

Travel Wheelchair And Its Uses

Travel Wheelchair And Its Uses
Limited mobility doesn’t have to mean limited options. The Travel Wheelchair can give you the freedom to travel, without the burden of lugging around a traditional wheelchair. Whether traveling around the world or just around the corner, the Travel Wheelchair can get you there in comfort and style.

Built of aircraft grade aluminum with steel reinforcements, this wheelchair was designed to withstand the rigors of travel, yet is comfortable enough for all day use.

Ultra Lightweight Wheelchair

Ultra Lightweight Wheelchair

The Travel Wheelchair folds to the size of a small golf bag. It has a sleek, non-medical look and unique fold that you wont find anywhere else. It is the best way to travel.

Compact folding and lightweight
Easy to maneuver
Fits into the trunk of a car
Simple to fold
Comfortable enough for all day use
Swingaway footrests
A sleek, non-medical look




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