Light Weight Wheelchair are lighter weight than standard wheelchairs and are offered in more sizes to fit individuals who are spending much of the day in a wheelchair.Light Weight Wheelchair offer more color choices, and more adjustable components to allow for longer sitting tolerance. These chairs have the ability to accept seating options for individuals who need more support than upholstery can provide.
- Light weight wheelchairs enable disabled people to travel about easily.
- Light weight wheelchair are available with standard foot rests or elevating leg rests.
- Light-weight wheelchair fold compactly and can be easily transferred in and out of a car boot or back seat.
- Light weight
- Low maintenance
- Adjustable heights
Transport Wheelchairs is smaller wheels are used,they are designed to only be propelled by a caregiver or other individual, which explains why they are referred to as “companion chairs” in the industry. Chairs in this category weigh between 18-29 lbs., and most also feature swing-leg rests, and fixed armrests and side panels..
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